WinFlash Basic Icon

WinFlash Basic

Use our award-winning flashcard programs to supercharge your study efforts!

WinFlash BasicOverview

Use our award-winning FlashCard programs to supercharge your study efforts! Get great test results in any subject! Use flashcards and spend less of your valuable time studying. Whether you're an airline pilot looking for the most time-efficient way to prepare for periodic recertifications, a high school student hoping for a quicker way to master Spanish or a first-grader needing help with spelling words, WinFlash's electronic flashcards are key to reaching your learning goals.

Download and evaluate any of our flashcard programs for 30 days - free! Start today - create, study, print and export flashcards to your PDA or listen to them on your iPod. View a quick explanation of the WinFlash flashcard system and screen shots of flashcards in action. Read what our enthusiastic users say.

We have specialized in flashcard-style learning systems since 1994. Compare our features, awards and customer testimonials to those of our competition and see why 'experience counts'! To understand how our advanced study systems can help you learn more quickly and easily, see our detailed descriptions for WinFlash Basic, Scholar and Educator.

If you're an educator, corporate trainer or student needing maximum flexibility in your learning system, be sure to check out WinFlash Educator. If you're a PDA user, extend your learning environment to your handheld with the money-saving WinFlash Educator/HandyCard Bundle! Read some of the great reviews we've received. Visit our library of flashcards and our archive of past newsletters.

If you're a publisher interested in licensing a version of WinFlash for distribution with your own proprietary flashcards, e.g. as a CDROM-resident study tool included with a textbook, take a look at WinFlash Publisher.


Fixed some bugs.

WinFlash BasicInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
WinFlash Scholar Icon
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Learn Any Subject FAST!
WinFlash Educator Icon
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Learn Any Subject FAST!
WinFlash Icon
Write a new BIOS to the flash chip.
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